By Leslie Fernandez

Due to the pandemic, the global economy came to a halt overnight. And its unprecedented dent in the hospitality industry was a big challenge for the management.

With an extensive ban on travel and tourism, events and social mobility, the industry was experiencing a record crisis and to manage and sustain in this scenario was nothing but heroic.

There was a sharp decline seen in the revenue of the industry as well and most of them had to shut it off because of unavoidable losses.

However, amid all this, Marsa Malaz Kempinski was operational and did their best to thrive in these challenging circumstances.

Their exceptional progress caught our attention and therefore, we decided to interview the pioneer of this gigantic hotel, Mr Jad Hattar.

Mr Hattar is a director of Sales at Marsa Malaz Kempinski and he was kind enough to share his experience with us.

So, without further ado, let’s see what he has to share with us.

The rise of the legendary Jad Hattar

 Jad Hattar had a journey from the bottom to the top. He was not the sales director of this mega project since the start but it took him a good three years to carve his name as the pioneer of Marsa Malaz. 

He started working as a Director of Banquet and conference at Marsa Malaz. His primary responsibilities included managing the conferences and banquets of the hotels. He was excelling at this work which eventually lead him to become the Sales Director  of Marsa Malaz in 2018. 

He has been working closely with the team since the beginning of this flagship project by Kempinski and therefore, he coins himself as one of the pioneers in establishing the biggest hotel in Qatar that is Marza Malaz.

Jad Hattar as the Sales Director:

Mr Hattar’s tireless efforts and significant contribution to the business soon made him a notable member of the hotel. He was promoted to director of sales in 2018 and since then he seems unstoppable.

Mr Hattar shares his unwavering interest in sales with us. For him, the sale is a fascinating sector that weaves the business towards success.

With hundreds of businesses making an entry into the industry, a sales director is the one who sways the business to unprecedented heights of success.

For him, sales is a science. It requires a certain level of expertise, networking and management to sprung in it and since Jad Hattar always had his fair share of interest in the field, he made significant progress for the company in real-time.

He also seemed to be proud to be a part of this company since it won’t be wrong to say that they are the real deal in the hospitality business. 

What makes Jad Hattar the Robin hood of Sales?

I am sure you must be wondering what makes Jad Hattar so different and important from others?

Well, we must admit, his excellence, insight and passion to lead are what makes him Robin hood of his work.

Despite he was working as an F&B initially, he got hold of the sales in real-time.

 Jad’s ability to establish contacts and build a giant network works as a catalyst in his progress.

He mentioned his connections with famous personalities from all sectors which indeed makes it easier for him to bring heavy sales.

Money, Recognition or Promotion?

For Jad, money appears to be less important than recognition. For him, money is a root for a good life. But a successful life stems from recognition. The ability to convince people and establish meaningful networks is what benefits the business.

One can’t thrive alone in this business. Instead, it’s all about contacts, clients and coherent relationships.

However, for Jad, promotion does matter. He believes it encourages people to achieve better and motivates them to push their limits.

Is he good at balancing work and life?

Just as any other successful person, he has his fair share of struggles in maintaining a balance between work and life. With several commitments looming around him, it sometimes gets a toll on him to maintain a balance.

But as wise people say, success is the one who balances.

Jad tries to share his time evenly with his family and life. His eyes glittered when he talked about his eleven-year-old son and five-year-old daughter. For him, it is indeed a struggle but he makes sure to be there for them regardless of his strict schedule.

Three golden qualities of Jad Hattar:

In this cutthroat competition, it’s not easier to sway.

One has to possess some exceptional qualities to make its way to the top.

Jad Hattar has managed to survive the toughest of times with his honesty, straightforwardness and networking.

For him, the hospitality industry is all about the word of mouth. If you are honest in your dealing and firm in your words, success will follow your way.

However, if you are deceiving people in the business then even the fortunes of gold can’t help you survive.

Honesty is the key in this business. If you are honest you shall make sales.

 How the market is coping up with the loss?

Jad Hattar was hopeful about the revival of the market. He mentioned that despite challenging circumstances, the industry managed to survive and now with the assistance of vaccines, new strategies and plans, it will again rise from the ashes just like a phoenix. 

Are they prepared to host FIFA 2022?

The world has its eyes on Qatar for FIFA 2022. The biggest global event will be hosted in Qatar and Marsa Malaz will be one of hotels hosting this great event and people are anticipating something great.

Upon asking how they are preparing for this mega event, Jad Hattar seems satisfied.

He said we have been working on the preparation since the start and the pandemic has not to halt it. He is closely working with the FIFA management and the world will soon see the glorious opening and much-awaited matches from Qatar.

This event will bring fortunes to the industry and will open a new door of opportunities for the country.

Who is Jad as a person?

Jad was shying away in answering this question. He exclaimed that one cant answer this question for themself. It’s the people that vouch for them.

However, he said he is straightforward, honest and hardworking.

He said I like to engage in my business and I believe that makes me different from others.